Teledyne PDS Software

Collect, Process and Deliver​​

Teledyne PDS is a multipurpose software platform and supports a wide range of tasks within Hydrography, Dredge Guidance, Construction Support, Search & Recovery Operations and Port Entrance Monitoring.

Teledyne PDS is a software package for hydrographic applications. It offers a variety of products that cover the spectrum from data acquisition to the final output. The software runs on conventional PCs with a Windows operating system. It is available in a variety each for a specific function.

The purpose of PDS software is to read real-time data from one or more sensors, calculate the data, display the results, and continuously log. Data can be displayed either graphically or alphanumeric.

To confirm data after measurements, Teledyne PDS has appropriate tools to remove anomalies either automatically or graphically. The final presentation of processed data can be done with models, tables, files, nautical charts and reports.

The Teledyne PDS is intended for applications including measuring the seabed, or the bottom of a river, for hazardous areas, excavation and dredging progress, and safe navigation. Quality control while receiving the data provides the best possible processing. Results are displayed in DTMs, report files and specialized graphs.

Multibeam, single beam and magnetometer applications can be distinguished into data collection and data collection/graphing.

Current PDS Version:

Version of Teledyne PDS is the last version whic​h is available in a 32 bit version.​​

To be able to operate the full application in Teledyne PDS you need to buy the specific application key dongle. When Teledyne PDS software is opened without the dongle it will operate in ‘demo mode’. Functions such as ‘save data to file’ and ‘data acquisition’ are disabled.

For Inquiries on specific applications in Hydrography, Dredge, Construction, Search & recovery or Ports please contact us.



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