Workhorse II Mariner ADCP
The world’s most trusted, reliable ADCP with the longest track record of performance
Teledyne RD Instruments’ Workhorse II Mariner Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) has become the instrument of choice for vessel-based researchers and commercial surveyors, whether working in coastal waters or in deeper waters where high resolution of surface layers is desired.

The Mariner offers all of the benefits of RDI’s traditional ADCP products in a compact package designed specifically for coastal hull-mount applications. The unit is easily integrated with the vessel’s GPS/GNSS input to provide integrated ADCP readings with precise position information.
Beginning in 2023, the Workhorse II models replace the original Workhorse models and include several improvements. These include increased memory in compact flash card, compass with improved performance and specifications (especially at higher latitudes and tilt angles); and raw magnetometer data for use in postprocessing. In addition, a 200m pressure sensor and water modes LADCP, Ice Tracking, Mode 11 and Mode 12 come standard and are not required to be purchased.
- By installing the Mariner directly into the vessel ’s hull, the ADCP is always ready to operate —no need for cumbersome mounting tools and hardware, and the unit is safely protected from external elements.
Precision data
- Teledyne RDI ’s BroadBand signal processing delivers very low-noise data, resulting in unparalleled fine track resolution.
A four-beam solution
- Teledyne RDI ’s 4 beam design improves data reliability, improves data quality, and improves data accuracy.