FARO Connect® Software
The Ultimate Software for Managing 3D Point Cloud and Image Data
Discover the power of FARO Connect, the ultimate desktop solution, by FARO, for easy management of 3D point cloud and image data. Powered by GeoSLAM’s proprietary SLAM algorithm, Connect is the all-in-one software for local processing of FARO Orbis data with a connection to the optional FARO Sphere® XG cloud-based platform for viewing, sharing and collaborating.

Experience robust 3D visualizations through the data viewer and watch your digital replicas come to life, extracting immediate insights from your 3D point clouds. Enhance your data and make it clearer through a series of automated filters including outlier, noise, thinning and transient workflows. Additionally, employ automated workflows to optimize your data further, including change detection, and prepare your data for additional analysis with a wide range of export options.
With mobile LiDAR technology and GeoSLAM Volumes software, mine operators can calculate stockpile tonnages faster and monitor change over time quickly and easily.
Mobile laser scanners, like FARO Orbis, can determine accurate stockpile volumes, silo reserves, or mining tempos without the need for GPS. After processing in FARO Connect, import data into GeoSLAM Volumes to instantly transform it into actionable 3D information for rapid real-time decision-making.
Confidently verify volumes at all stages of the supply chain as frequently as necessary, train staff in minutes, slash survey times and drive down costs.
Are you in need of 3D data from inaccessible areas? Consider Elios 3 by Flyability.
Turn Elios 3 data into survey-grade 3D models powered by FARO Connect. This is a solution to monitor, manage, and map the most unreachable places. The Elios 3 Surveying Solution integrates FARO Connect to bring together the best of confined spaces drone data capture with 3D Geospatial software technology.
Data Processing and Ownership
Local processing in FARO Connect allows users to process 50% faster without compromise to data quality, and as often as required, with complete ownership of the data. Alternatively, you can simply upload point cloud data to the Sphere XG Reality Capture solution, for better collaboration with other stakeholders. Flexible processing and storage, without third-party ownership, leads to more secure and transparent cooperation.
Automatic Georeferencing
Use reflective targets or control points in your workflow to georeference 3D point cloud data within FARO Connect. The software automatically detects surveyed reflective targets and uses the target positions to localize the point cloud into a real-world location. Alternatively, place the scanner on a known control point for a brief period and the information with be stored within the 3D point cloud.
Automatic Data Filtering
FARO Connect has a range of automatic filtering tools to help you get the best results from your 3D point cloud data. These include outlier removal, surface noise reduction and removal of transient points to improve the final data output. The filtering tools are within Connect and can be applied automatically to any dataset.
GeoSLAM Draw
GeoSLAM Draw allows further analysis of mobile LiDAR and static scan data. It is a simple way to display large point clouds and analyze the data in various ways. You can create simple measurements, CAD geometry, register and georeference data. It can be purchased in addition to FARO Connect and comes in configured industry packages. These packages include:
Start Package
This is the standard package for Draw. The features include:
- Layout Section: Visualize and create segments of multiple floors and floorplans.
- Sketch: Measure areas, distances and angles.
- Annotation: Add text annotations to sections of projects.
- Vectorizer: Automatically vectorize, intersect and merge lines, create curves, and export into .dwg format.
- Panorama: View images captured with a 360° camera.
- Cloud Export: Export projects into a range of file formats.
BIM Package
The features for the Plan package include those in Start, plus:
- Web Export: Create PDF documents and share interactive HTML project files with colleagues or clients.
- Merger: Combine several images into a single image file to export into existing CAD models.
- Curved, Polygonal & Cylindrical Sections: Visualize objects with curved or round edges or slopes.
- RCP Format: import and export in .rcp file format.
Plan Package
The features include those in Start and Plan, plus:
- Proprietary Formats: Import other file formats to contextualize point clouds.
- Registration: Includes sphere fitting and target select tools to reference projects with enhancements from terrestrial scan data.
- Photo Match: Unfold, measure and analyze angled and curved objects.
- 4CAD / 4Revit Plugin: Connect with Revit to create CAD models in real-time.
Mining Package
The features include those in Draw Start, Plan and BIM (excluding Photo Match and 4Revit Plugin) plus:
- Volume: Measure the volume of a desired area (e.g., stockpile) and create volume calculation protocols according to REB 22013.
- Mesh: Extract meshed 3D Digital Terrain Models (DTM).
- Profiler: Use the elevation model to vectorize projects and view the profiles in 3D mode.
Pro Package
The Pro package includes all the features in the other Draw packages listed above. This package is best suited for those who wish to have full flexibility with point clouds.
Below, you will find the main features of the product.
A Variety of Export Options
Seamlessly transition your 3D point cloud data into your current workflows for further analysis and modelling with a range of export options including LAZ, LAS, E57, PLY and TXT.
Best-in-class Processing
FARO Connect is the ideal solution for processing FARO Orbis data and reduces user interactive processing time by employing automated workflows.
A User-friendly Interface
FARO Connect is clean and easy-to-use software for both new and experienced users of mobile scanning.
Automatic Point Cloud Colorization
Use the integrated camera on FARO Orbis to capture panoramic images and achieve RGB colorization of your 3D point cloud data within FARO Connect. Using a single automated workflow Connect will process your data, create panoramic photos, position the images over your point cloud and colorize the dataset.
Register Multiple Point Clouds in FARO SCENE
For unparalleled data quality and global accuracy, import and register your Flash Technology Powered scans in FARO SCENE and utilize its interactive registration capabilities, mirroring the control of a terrestrial laser scanner.
Link to FARO Sphere XG
Directly upload your locally processed data to the Sphere XG Digital Reality platform to access, view, measure, share and collaborate with stakeholders anywhere - a unified perspective of your project.
Discover the applications in which the product can be used.
The Perfect Tool for Repeatable data capture and collaboration
Utilize the Versatility of Connect for Better Data
Rapid Site Information for the Modern Mine
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