Trimble Perspective Mobile
Scan anywhere, anytime
Trimble Perspective Mobile app, free for Android or iOS devices, by Trimble Geospatial, is built for capturing data with the Trimble X7 and Trimble X9 3D laser scanning systems. Work the way you want to control your scan settings with this user-friendly app.

Pair with the Trimble X7 and X9 to enable the core functionality of Trimble Perspective field software. Use the app to control the scan settings and set atmospheric corrections.
Scan on the go
Create new projects, set scan and imaging parameters, and view the scans and images in the field. Add convenience in tough, hard-to-access environments.
Minimize amount of equipment needed
The app can control your scanner and is a complementary solution when the tablet batteries are low and you need to quickly capture additional scans.
Trimble Perspective Mobile, that allows you to control your scan settings from your mobile phone, offers:
Available app:
Google Play Store and Apple StoreSoftware version:
Perspective v2.1.1.1425 or greaterSmartphone version:
Android v5.0 or iOS v13.0 or greaterInstall, sign in or create account:
Use your Trimble ID or create oneLicense will download:
Start the scanner, update firmwareFollow instructions on phone:
Connect to the scanner via WiFi
Below, you will find the main features of the product.
Perfect for tough jobs
Trimble Perspective Mobile is ideal for controlling your scanner in hard-to-reach areas, like when elevated on a tripod.
On-the-go control
Seamlessly control and adjust your scan settings while on the go with a simple tap or swipe of your finger.
The future of your work
Trimble facilitates high quality, productive workflows and data exchange, driving value for a global, diverse user base.
Full integration with office software
Import and sync data with Perspective on the tablet or transfer data from the SD card to process and register in the office with Trimble RealWorks™ or Trimble Business Center.
Works with Perspective versions
Users can control the scanner with their mobile phones standalone or in addition to their tablet running the full-featured Perspective software.
Varied Applications
Trimble transforms data into real-world intelligence using the most progressive, reliable and accurate precision technology to meet needs of varied applications.
Below you will find all available multimedia, including videos & images.
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