Optical Gas Imaging Camera for Hydrofluorocarbons

The FLIR G304 is an innovative Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) camera used to detect possible hydrofluorocarbon, refrigerant, and other industrial gases in production facilities and chemical plants.


Refrigerant gases are potentially toxic, environmentally harmful, and they are heavily regulated. With the portable, non-contact G304, you can safely and efficiently scan large areas without interfering, shutting down, or disrupting large-scale storage and refrigeration operations.

Technical Specifications
IR Resolution320 × 240 (76,800 pixels)
Detector Pitch30 μm
Accuracy±1°C (±1.8°F) for temperature range 0°C to 100°C (32°F to 212°F) or ±2% of reading for temperature range >100°C (>212°F)
Spectral Range8.0 µm to 8.6 µm

What Types of Gases Can You See With an OGI Camera?
Use the chart to determine which G-Series cameras are best suited to your application.


Download the entire list of gases and the GF models that can detect them.


Below, you will find the main features of the product.

Superior Gas Visualization

The G304 uses FLIR’s patented High-Sensitivity Mode (HSM), which makes leaks stand out more clearly while allowing you to efficiently scan thousands of components and accurately measure temperatures from -40°C to 500°C (-40°F to 932°F)

Record And Report Findings Efficiently

Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® allow you to connect to smartphones or tablets and effortlessly edit and store images in the cloud, or wirelessly transfer files using the included FLIR Ignite™ cloud service

Ergonomic For Comfortable Operation

Comfortably operate and interact with your G304 thanks to its rotating 10.16 cm (4 in) LCD touchscreen, which allows you view targets from any direction


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